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Accredited UK Forest School Training 
Change of Management at FSTC 
Louise Ambrose has now taken on the management of FSTC, as of the beginning of May 2013. 
As such the new contact number for FSTC is 07787 930030 
Our email address will remain the same: admin@forestschooltraining.co.uk 
Interesting book on how the brain works 
David Eagleman, a neuroscientist, has written a really good and easy to read book on how the brain works. Book is called Incognito: The secret lives of the brain.  
Also has some very good videos on his website of his presentations on various aspects of the workings of the brain: www.eagleman.com 
Latest of Tree Diseases 
1. Phytophthora ramorum infections in Larch trees - interesting research page on the disease with photos to help with identification - research >  
More news on this disease from the Forestry Commission - visit FC pages >  
Further info on how to stop the spread and what to do if find evidence of the disease - visit Defra pages > 
2. Chalara Ash dieback - for latest news (March 2013) on this visit Forestry Commission pages > 
3. Government planning to fund the planting of more ash trees (March 2013) - visit BBC news > 
National Forest School Association (FSA) 
Launched on the 7th July 2012 this national Forest School Association is a professional body providing UK wide voice for Forest School and aims to promote best practice. 
Article from IOL Horizon Magazine on the Roots of Forest School 
Thank you to the Institute of Outdoor Learning (IOL) for sending us a copy of the article in pdf format for circulating 
New Research on Forest School 
Forest School case study looing at child-led risk play outdoors. The research focuses on a year-long Forest School programme for a group of 4 children from a school in Cardiff. 
An interesting article about Forest School and some contemporary issues 
New Modular Level 3 Leader Training course format  
After many years of successfully delivering the level 3 Forest School Practitioner training, we have devised a mew modular format which results in the same qualification and standard of training but will offer students a different approach to completing the training. 
The training will take place over a number of sequential 2-day training modules, which should be easier for those who work in schools to get time off for training. In addition the coursework requirement is split across the modules thereby removing the need to compile a single large portfolio at the end of the training. The modular course still incorporates assessment of practical skills, as well as the crucial leadership assessment where we assess students delivering Forest School in their own setting. 
Facebook Page 
We have a Facebook Page now - you can search on FB for The Forest School Training Company  
Sweden Knife-making course a success! 
A hardy group of UK Forest School Leaders spent a week in beautiful Swedish woodland and each made themselves a fabulous bush knife and hand-stitched leather sheath. In addition they were visited by a lecturer in 'outdoor pedagogy' from a Swedish university (plus the local media!) and got to visit an inspiring Forest School Sweden-style on their final day. 
We will be putting dates together for more of these in the future. 
Hone your ID skills  
New DVD from the Neroche Forest School Project 
Over the past three years FSTC has been involved in supporting the Neroche project in Somerset through provision of Forest School training at levels 2 and 3. An extract from their new DVD (funded through the Forest Education Initiative) is available to view here. 
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