Modular Course - Course Information & Documents
For Level 2 Students undertaking training in England
This page gives Level 2 students further information about the Level 2 qualification, modular course and assessments. Please scroll down the page to relevant sections about:
Course Structure
Accreditation Information
Overview of Modules and Breakdown of Assessments
Marking, Moderation & Certification
Course Structure
The Level 2 modular course is made up of 2 modules of 5 days in total, followed by assisting at a minimum of 3 consecutive sessions at an established Forest School.
The 5 day training course is structured as follows:
Immersion Day - 1 day
Module 1 - 2 days
Module 2 - 3 days
Level 2 students will also be assessed on their practical skills during module 2 by tutors observing their fire lighting, knot tying, shelter building and tool use skills. This is part of our assessment process.
Our Level 2 Information Guide explains more about the course structure and content.

Accreditation Information
Our course is the 'Level 2 Award for Forest School Assistants' awarded by ITC First. This award is recognised as the national standard for Forest School and is up on the QCF (Qualification & Credit Framework).
The level 2 qualification is worth 6 credits and described as 60 hours of work in total (guided and self-guided hours).
The level 2 accreditation is composed of 2 units, which are broken down into learning outcomes and assessment criteria. These are:
Supporting a Forest School Programme: Practical Skills
Supporting a Forest School Programme: Learning and Development
To gain the qualification, students must complete and evidence all assessment criteria in the 2 units. There is no grading system within the qualification - criteria are either complete or not.
FSTC assesses these criteria in different ways, as you go through the training course you will be compiling your evidence. We have designed our training so that the workbooks/assignments/tasks all contribute to the evidence you will need to achieve the qualification.
You will have been given your course file on the first module of training which will contain a course overview of training dates and topic, as well as an outline of assessment methods and the 3 workbooks for level 2. The questions and assignments within these 3 workbooks link to the assessment criteria of the qualification.
Overviews of Modules and Breakdown of Assessments
Immersion Day
An experiential day to promote discovery & establish processes for the learning community and connection to the woodland environment. We will be outdoors all day and be focusing on getting to know the site, routine skills and personal reflection.
Module 1
This module focuses on the fundamentals of Forest School – the ethos and its history. Some of the topics we also will begin exploring include; Outdoor Learning and Forest School principles, play, species identification, knots & lashings, & risk benefit.
On module 1 you are given the 3 workbooks which link to both modules and make up the coursework componants of the qualification.
Level 2 Workbooks for students who started training in 2023 and beyond:
Level 2 Workbooks for students who started training in 2022:
Module 2
This module focuses on our understanding the natural world and how this can facilitate learning. Topics we will begin exploring are: basic woodland ecology & how our actions may affect it, selecting natural materials to make items, tool use, fire skills, risk management, self esteem, holistic development & shelter building.
Level 2's will be observed undertaking various practical tasks during module 2. This will include:
Fire lighting
Tool use
Knot tying
Shelter building
Here is a video tutorial going through all coursework elements, where Lou explains each question and the sort of answers expected.
The video tutorial was recorded in 2022 and so for that version of the workbooks. The 2023 version of workbooks may have some questions in a different order.

Supporting at a Forest School Programme
After you have completed the 2 training modules you will need to support at a minimum of 3 consecutive Forest School sessions as a Forest School Assistant. The programme must be led by a qualified level 3 Forest School practitioner. You will need to take a photo copy of the Forest School leaders certificate as evidence for your coursework.
It is expected that students will arrange this themselves, however if you need support in finding an appropriate setting please talk to you trainer.
Whilst supporting at the Forest School Programme, there are a variety of tasks to complete (please see your workbooks for full details):
Assisting with session planning and evaluation
2 x Risk Assessments
Observing a learner
Undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment of the site
Reflections on the role of the Forest School Assistant
Online Tutorial
Nearer to the hand-in date we will re-connect as a group online via zoom for a group tutorial. Your tutor will email a link for you to join this meeting. The purpose of this call is to give students the opportunity to:
Reconnect as a group
Reflect on the experiences of supporting at the Forest School programme
Use these reflections to answer some of the questions in the 'section C' parts of the workbooks.
Have the opportunity to ask any questions
Please try to attend live, as the tutorial is based around group discussion and sharing. It also will be recorded.
Marking, Moderation and Certification
Some of the evidence for the qualification will be assessed during the modules - for example practical demonstrations of certain skills. Your tutor/assessor will be recording this evidence as the course goes on and will provide you with assessment forms and feedback on these elements.
At the end of the training process, you will need to compile all your work into one portfolio, including;
3 x workbooks
Species ID project
Practical skills assessment form (given to you by your tutor at the end of module 2)
2 x Risk Assessments (site and activity)
3 x Forest School session plans and evaluations (with your contributions highlighted)
1 x copy of your Forest School Leaders level 3 certificate
This needs to be submitted by the final deadline (given to you on your course timetable in your file). This can be sent electronically or on paper.
If you are submitting your work electronically please use email or a file sharing software such as dropbox or googledrive.
When submitting a paper version of your portfolio, please keep it in an ordered folder and avoid using poly-pockets (we have to sign each page!). We only need to see your evidence (i.e. the workbooks, assignments, practice file, assessment forms etc) so please do not include; handouts, activity sheets, photos of children/sessions etc.
A tutor/assessor will mark your portfolio and email you feedback on your work. If further work is required from you to complete any criteria, your tutor/assessor will let you know and you will be given further opportunities to provide this evidence (e.g. to submit further written evidence or to demonstrate a skill at a future date). There is no grading system within this qualification, criteria is either complete or not.
Once all your work is fully complete your coursework portfolio will be put forward for moderation.
The Moderator's role is to ensure that FSTC tutor/assessors are marking appropriately, fairly and consistently and will verify that your coursework portfolio satisfies the level 2 criteria. Moderation is a 2 step process with an internal verifier and then an external verifier. Assuming this process is fine, the awarding body (ITC First) will then be able to award you with the qualification and will apply for your certificate.
Due to the chain of organisations involved within this process, it can take up to 6 months - we thank you for your patience!
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