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Accredited UK Forest School Training 
Forest School Training in Scotland 
The Forest School Training Co (FSTC) have a number of tutors in Scotland who are very experienced and qualified, and have been delivering Forest School Training for FSTC for many years. 
Forest Schoool Training in Scotland is now running under the course title Forest and Outdoor Learning Award (FOLA). This is a Scottish qualification that is equivalent to the OCN / BTEC courses run in England & Wales.  
FOLA courses - general information about the FOLA courses for students, including course content and entry requirments, can be found here (pdf). Information for managers can be found here. 
FOLA FAQs - answers to the frequently asked questions about the FOLA can be found here (pdf) 
FOLA Training Courses, Scotland 
Please visit our Training Course Page for the forthcoming Scottish training course dates for all levels. 
Mailing List for Scottish Courses 
To add yourself to our Mailchimp mailing list for future course and workshop information in Scotland, please click here  
Our Tutors in Glasgow and Edinburgh 
Mike Brady and Aline HIll are our tutors in the Glasgow & Edinburgh area, covering training in the West and East of Scotland. They deliver Forest School Training, as well as CPD in Forest School related fields and Nature Kindergarten Training. 
Contact Mike Brady (West Scotland) 
E: mike@forestschoolscotland.co.uk 
Contact Aline Hill (East Scotland) 
E: admin.office@forestschoolscotland.co.uk 
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