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Accredited UK Forest School Training 
Learning & Development - Resources, Handouts & Links 
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Electronic workbooks & assignments are on the Qualification & Assessment infomation page 
Video: Alfie Kohn is an american advocate for reforming education by removing the competative aspects and replacing it with community focused and collaborative ways of working. 
Here's Lou doing a lecture on Holistic Development: 
Video: Sir Ken Robinson is a big advocate for creativity in Education and the reform of the current education system. 
Video: Carl Rogers Empathy Lecture (1974) - Some great old footage from the man himself talking about the importance of empathy when working with people and how to be empathic. 
Video: TEDx talk: 'Why we're unhappy - the expectation gap'. Not about Self Esteem exactly but some interesting parallels drawn in terms of the 'gap' between what people expect and reality (like the gap between ideal self and self image)  
Self Esteem 
FSTC handout 
Useful links 
Confident children - by Gael Lindenfield 
Helping children to build self-esteem by Deborah Plummer  
Because We're Worth It: Enhancing Self-Esteem in Young Children (Lucky Duck Books) by Margaret Collins > 
Video: Lou doing a lecture about Self Esteem and Forest School 
Video: Lou talking about why we try to avoid praise at Forest School 
Forest School Ethos 
Useful Links:  
The Forest School Association - The UK charity for quality Forest School > 
The Essential Guide to Forest School and Nature Pedagogy by Jon Cree and Marina Robb 
Developing a Forest School in Early Years Provision by Jenny Doyle and Katherine Milchem 
Various Forest School books by Sara Knight 
Here is the FSA's videos about what Forest School is: 
Here are some videos of Lou explaining about Forest School in her own words: 
And in a bit more detail... 
And a lecture going through the 6 principles of Forest School: 
FSTC Handouts & Slideshows: 
Child Development Unit 
Useful web links 
Video: Here's Lou doing a lecture about Play at Forest School 
Click on this text to eVideo: TedX talk Dr Peter Gray talks about the importance of play and how the decline of play is harming our children.dit it. 
Planning & Observation at Forest School 
FSTC Templates: 
Evaluating Forest School Programmes: 
FSA Norfolk has collated a range of evaluative reports and case studies of Forest School programmes, showing the impact of different projects. You can view these on their website here >  
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If you find any of the links to the documents above are not work properly, please let us know by typing in the name of the document in the form below. 
Check out the other student pages by clicking on the pictures: 
Qualification & Assessment Info 
Resources - Practical Skills 
Resources - Woodland 
You can also find useful information about Forest School Ethos, history and research, on our main website: 
Forest School Ethos 
Forest School History & Research  
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